1. WORD OF MOUTH, ask friends, family and other lawyers who they would hire. If you know a bailiff or police officer from a nearby town ask them. The best lawyers are known in the community of lawyers, don't be afraid to ask.
3. CREDENTIALS, does lawyer belong to national groups such as National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, National College of DUI Defense, DUI Defense Lawyers Association and State Criminal Defense Lawyer Associations.
4. RESPECTED BY PEERS, has lawyer been elected to a board of his/her peers and been asked to teach continuing legal education seminars.
5. PUBLISHED, has the lawyer been published by independent publishing house on relevant topics. In this day anyone can self publish, but only a few are asked to write by legitimate publishing houses.
6. PERSONAL, meet the lawyer and conduct an interview to decide if you trust and are comfortable with him or her.
7. EXPERIENCE, find out how long the lawyer has been trying cases and ask questions about the focus of their practice. You want a defender who focuses on one area of law, stable and reliable.
8. COST, do not eliminate a lawyer due to price. Selecting the best lawyer may not be cheap, but hiring an under qualified one may be catastrophic. If you want the best defense, be prepared to pay for it.
9. INTERNET SEARCH the lawyer and look beyond the paid ads to find out what real former clients have to say. Also dig deep and find out if the lawyer has ever been disciplined by the state bar or even charged with a crime.
10. COMMON SENSE, ask yourself if the lawyer you are considering is the best all around. The lawyer you hire needs to listen to you, understand the situation and be able to steer your case in a positive direction. After meeting a lawyer you should have heard a plan of action on how to win or at least minimize the damage. Listen to the lawyer and decide if what you are hearing is believable and real.
It is hard to find the best lawyer. If you have been arrested in Northern New Hampshire contact me, Leonard D. Harden, at 603-788-2080. I believe that I can answer all of these concerns and help you with your case.