Harden Law Offices

104 Main Street, Lancaster, NH 03584 603.788.2080
2 Cottage Street, Littleton, NH 03561 603.444.2084
199 Heater Road, Lebanon, NH 03766 603.448.3737

Friday, June 10, 2016

Canada: Rising Popularity Of Medical Cannabis Among Veterans Associated With Declining Opioid Use

 Image result for canada marijuana
According to the Globe and Mail Veteran's Affairs Canada has statistics that show opiate requests are down as cannabis requests have climbed.

It is interesting that opiate prescription requests are down while rising rates of cannabis are being seen in Canadian veterans.  The numbers show a decrease of 30 percent for bezodiazepines between 2012 and 2016.  Opiates decreased 17% during the same period.  Prescription cannabis has gone from 100 to over 1,700.

The data set is too small to establish cause and effect, but the trend may be one way to reduce the growing opiate problems in NH and the United States.

Canadian Study of veterans drug use.
Prior assessments from the United States report that incidences of opioid-related addiction <http://norml.org/news/2016/04/28/study-opioid-abuse-rates-lower-in-medical-cannabis-states> , abuse <http://norml.org/news/2015/07/16/study-medical-cannabis-access-associated-with-reduced-opioid-abuse> , andmortality <http://norml.org/news/2014/08/28/study-state-medical-marijuana-laws-associated-with-lower-rates-of-opiate-induced-fatalities>  are significantly lower in jurisdictions that permit medicinal cannabis access as compared to those states that do not.

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